Writting Rules

Manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal should be prepared according to the spelling rules of Journal Of Integartive Medicine.

Applications should be made to  i.anatolianmedicine@saglik.gov.tr

1. Articles to be sent for publication;

• It should have a high scientific level, original and a feature that can be referenced.

• Information and sources should contain up-to-date data for the last 5 (five) years.

2. The “Copyright Transfer Form” (Copyright Release Form) after being signed by all authors should be uploaded using the article accepting system of the journal.

3.  The title of article, short title, author name(s), names of institutions and the departments of the authors, full address, telephone numbers (landline and mobile) and e-mail address should be given:

a-) The title should be short and written in lower case.

b-) The short title should not exceed 40 characters.

c-) The study supported by a fund or scientific organisation must be mentioned in a footnote or in the acknowledgements.

d-) The study presented in a conference/symposium must be mentioned with the type of presentation in footnotes or in the acknowledgements.

4.  For Turkish studies; Terms used in articles should be in Turkish and Latin as much as possible, according to the latest dictionary of the “Turkish Language Institution”. Importance should e given to use pure Turkish language and as many as Turkish references.

5. Latin names of microorganisms used for the first time in the text have to be written in full. If these names are used later, they should be abbreviated in accordance to international rules. The original Latin names of microorganisms should be written in Italic: for example, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P.aeruginosa. Names of antibiotics should be abbreviated in accordance with international standards.

6.  Symbols of the units mentioned in the text should be according to “The Système International (SI).

7. Articles should be written in one of the “past perfect, present perfect and past” tenses and in the passive mode.

8. Only one side of A4 paper should be used and should have a 2.5 cm margin on each side. 12 pt, Times New Roman font and double line space should be used.


9. The Turkish Bulletin of Hygiene and Experimental Biology expects the authors to comply with the ethics of research and publication. In human research, a statement of the informed consent of those who participated in the study is needed in the section of the “Materials and Methods”. In case of procedures that will apply to volunteers or patients, it should be stated that the study objects have been informed and given their approval before the study started. In case the authors do not have a local ethics committee, the principles outlined in the “Declaration of Helsinki” should have been followed. Authors should declare that they have followed the internationally accepted latest guidelines, legislation and other related regulations and should sent “Approval of the Ethics Committee”.

10. In case animal studies, approval also is needed; it should be stated clearly that the subjects will be prevented as much as possible from pain, suffering and inconvenience.


11. In case patient photos are used which shows his/her ID, a written informed consent of the patient on the use of the photos must be submitted.


12. Research Articles;

Research papers should consist of Turkish abstract, English abstract,

Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements (if any), and References sections. These sections should be written in bold capital letters and aligned left.


a)Turkish Abstract should consist of the subheadings of Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusion (Structured Abstract). It should be between 250 and 400 words.


b) English Abstract: The abstract should be structured like the Turkish abstract (Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion). It should be between 250 and 400 words.


c) Key words The number of keywords should be between 3-8 and the terminology of the Medical Subjects Headings (Index Medicus Medical Subject Headings-MeSH) should be used.


d) Introduction: The aim of the study, and references given to similar studies should be presented briefly and should not exceed more than two pages.


e) Materials and Methods: The date of the study, institution that performed the study, and materials and methods should be clearly presented. Statistical methods should be clearly stated.


f) Results: The results should be stated clearly and only include the current research.


g) Conclusions: In this section, the study findings should be compared with the findings of other researchers. Authors should mention their comments in this section.


h) Acknowledgements should be placed at the end of the main text and before the references. In this section, the institutions/departments which supported the research should be stated.


i) References: Authors are responsible for supply complete and correct references. References should be numbered according to the order used in the text.

Numbers should be given in brackets and placed at the end of the sentence. Examples are given below on the use of references. Detailed information can be found in “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” (J Am Med Assoc 1997 277: 927-934) and at http://www.nejm.org/general/text/requirements/1.htm.


Periodicals: Author(s) Last Name initial(s) name of author(s) (if there are six or fewer authors, all authors should be written; if the number of authors are seven or more, only the first six of the authors should be written and the rest as “et al”). The title of the article, the abbreviated name of the journal according to the Index Medicus, Year; Volume (Issue): The first and last page numbers.


Example of standard journal article: Demirci M, Unlü M, Sahin U. A case of hydatid cyst diagnosed by kinyoun staining of lung bronco-alveolar fluid. Türkiye Parazitol Derg, 2001; 25 (3): 234-5.


-Example of an article with authors unknown: Anonymous. Coffee drinking and cancer of the pancreas (Editorial). Br Med J, 1981; 283:628.


-Example of journal supplement: Frumin AM, Nussbaum J, Esposito M. Functional asplenia: Demonstration of splenic activity by bone marrow scan (Abstract). Blood, 1979; 54 (Suppl 1): 26a.

 Books: Surname of the author(s) initial name(s) of author(s). The name of the book. The edition number. Place of publication: Publisher, Publication year. Example: Eisen HN. Immunology: an Introduction to the Principles of Molecular and Cellular Immune Response. 5th ed. New York: Harper and Row, 1974.


Book chapters: The author(s) surname of the chapter initial(s) letter of the name. Section title. In: Surname of editor(s) initial (s) letter of first name(s) ed / eds. The name of the book. Edition number. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication: The first and last page numbers of the chapter.


-Example: Weinstein L. Swarts MN. Pathogenic properties of invading microorganisms. In: Sodeman WA Jr, Sodeman WA, eds. Pathologic Physiology: Mechanism of Disease. Phidelphia. WB Saunders, 1974:457-72.


Web address: If a “web” address is used as the reference address, the web address date should be given in brackets with the address. The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number must be provided, when a web access article used in the text as a reference.


Congress papers: Entrala E, Mascaro C. New structural findings in Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts. Eighth International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA VIII). October, 10-14, Izmir-Turkey. 1994.


Thesis: Bilhan Ö. Experimental investigation of the hydraulic characteristics of labyrinth weir. Master Thesis, Science Institute of Firat University, 2005.

 GenBank / DNA sequence analysis: DNA sequences of genes and heredity numbers should be given as references in the article. For more information, check “National Library of Medicine” and “National  Center for Biotechnical Information (NCBI)”.

 Figure and Tables:Each table or figure should be printed on a separate sheet, the top and bottom lines and if necessary column lines must be included.


Tables should be numbered like “Table 1.” and the table title should be written above the top line of the table. Explanatory information should be given in footnotes, not in the title and appropriate icons (*,+,++, etc.) should be used.


Photos should be in “jpeg” format. In case the quality of the photos is not good for publication, the originals can be requested.


13. Research articles should have up to 40 references.

14.In reviews, it is preferred to have not more than two authors. Author(s) must have done research and published articles previously on this subject; they should discuss their experience and use as reference in the review. Reviews should have Turkish and English titles, abstracts (it should contain minimum 250, maximum 400 words) and key words. Reference numbers for the review should be maximum 60.

15. Case reports should have a maximum of seven pages of text.

Case report should have a Turkish and English title, abstract, keyword(s) and also introduction, case description and discussion sections should be given. Number of references should be maximum 20.

16. Letters to Editor: Written to make criticisms, additions to previously published articles or scientific updates are published after review and assessment of the Editorial Board. Letters should not exceed one page of text and must be supported with up to 10 references.

17. The articles which do not comply with the journal rules are not accepted.

18. Authors should keep a copy of the article that they submit.